Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Reading Assignment 1

Use the assigned readings and research (wikipedia, google, etc) to give brief definitions and diagrams of the following terms and concepts:

Reading Assignment 1
Readings from Novel Tectonics and Manuel Delanda in Digital Tectonics, Greg Lynn


Subdivision surface


What is the difference between exact, inexact, and anexact geometries? (Novel Tectonics pg144-148)

What does “anexact yet rigorous” mean?

Cartesian Space

Euclidian and Non-Euclidian Geometry (hint: Parallel vs Hyperbolic and Elliptic)

Non-Euclidian Geometry of Space-time

Tectonics of Architecture (hint: Kenneth Frampton)

Essentialist Theory of Mater and Geometry (Novel Tectonics pg. 88)

Material Organization




What are “singularities” and “bifurcations” (Digital Tectonics pg. 14-21)

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