Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Chris Mejia: Affordance Midterm (Process 1)

Then, I began to extrude and move faces
-adding more edges to manipulate the doughnut form with the edge loop tool
-and more extrusions until I eventually got this form, a chair that really is more of a home
entertainment system
The large hole in the back of the chair-like-form is the last remnants of the doughnut shape form I began with.
I began my first affordance process using a square plane.
-I extruded the plane with an offset, and then deleted the central face.
-I extruded the hollow plane, and softened it into a doughnut shape.

1 comment:

  1. looks good- keep working on the geometry. Make each part as clear and clean as the original doughnut shape's geometry. Work on the relationship with the ground. And think how can it be part of a large assemblage of componants.
