Monday, March 1, 2010

THE BAD AND THE GOOD- General comments

For your midterm projects to be successful it's extremely important that all of you work with clear intentions, logic, and rules. Too often I am seeing images that are haphazard, lacking control and direction. Just like any design project you must establish a set of rules, and build the design from those rules. In the beginning keep the work simple, build the formal diagrams from a set of rules that should be found in controlling the technique that you are exploring. If you are unable to explain the formal logic of your work to me- DO NOT POST IT. From now on I expect the work to improve- if the work posted of the blog appears inexact and haphazard it will be deemed unacceptable and removed.

That said, I am also starting to see some extremely interesting work- pregnant with potential.
Please keep exploring the three techniques and how they might create particular affordances. Again, for these projects to be successful, start with a clear goal and a simple set of rules. Look at the logic of the techniques on how to develop the diagrams. Rather than spending so much time rendering, work on developing control of the techniques. And please NO MORE HEXAGONS!
Keep up the good work.

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